To be held in the Village Hall, directly after the Toy Service. Please contact Louise or Gill to book your place. The cost is £10, to be paid in advance, […]
A musical event for children and adults. Music by Pilling Jubilee Silver Band.
Replaces 'Stay and Play', with a slightly different format. First and third Saturdays in the month, 9.45 to 11.15.
Holy Communion service for second Sunday of Epiphany. Refreshments will follow.
Meeting of the Parochial Church Council, in the Annexe. All parishioners may attend, but only PCC members may participate in voting.
Juniors 18.30 - 19.30. Adults 19.00 - 20.00. New members welcome - contact Paul (07908 128574) for details
In the parish office.
A time of informal prayer and Bible reading followed by tea / coffee and fellowship. Everyone welcome! See Dyllis for more details.
Morning for pre-school children with their carers. Refreshments.