“For all the saints, who from their labours rest…”
In celebration of St. James’ Day, the congregation came together in worship and prayer in honour of St. James. The service was led by Rev. Dyllis and Lay Minister Nicola.
The service sprang from the words of St. Paul to the Corinthians (12: v 12)
“The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body.”
Rev. Dyllis described how emotional she found it, reflecting on times past and remembering the many people who had given dedicated service at
St. James’ and are no longer with us. In their memory, and as a visible sign of gratitude for their inspirational work, Pam lit a candle and those gathered in the church paused in prayer.
Moving on to the here and now, Rev Dyllis spoke of God’s ongoing creative work within His church, fulfilling His commandment to “Love one another, as I have loved you.” She explained how St. James’ Day is a wonderful opportunity to give thanks for the many gifts and talents which are used so well in church, and how every single body makes up the body of Christ.
We were reminded that this is an exciting time for the Over Wyre Benefice; there are so many parts, making up one body, so many talents, so many gifts, all being used for the glory of God. Rev. Dyllis gave thanks for each part and every role – large and small.
At the end of the service, the Children’s Sunday Club enjoyed presenting their ‘Seeds of Love’, sown on paper plates and proudly shared with the congregation.
Musical Director Paul Buckmaster was also presented with an additional Safeguarding Certificate following the recruitment of junior choir members, an outward sign of the church’s commitment to keeping everyone safe within our care.
Finally, the sharing of fellowship with celebratory wine and cake was much enjoyed by all – another hallmark of the church of St. James!