The Light of the World
January blues step aside…and make way for The Light of the World!
The Raise and Praise service – a family-friendly, informal event, led by Rev. Naomi and Gill, opened with a challenge – to list as many different lights that we see in our everyday lives, and to explore what those lights might tell us. There were many dazzling ideas shared!
Continuing the season of Epiphany, there was discussion of how the light from the bright star guided the Magi along their journey and pointed towards the infant Jesus.
This led on to an exploration of some of the many other Bible stories which point to who Jesus is. Those gathered were reminded of the narrative of Jesus’ baptism, when God spoke – ‘this is my Son who I love’. They heard about some of the miracle stories, like turning the water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana, which points towards who Jesus is. They listened to how God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – were clearly seen since the beginning of creation and how the whole of creation points to Jesus.
A shared reading from St. John 1: 1-9, revealed that God the Son existed before the world began, but before He was a baby, He was called ‘The Word’.
More words from St. John were explored:
“God is Light” (1 John 1:5)
God is like a bright light, guiding us and helping us see what’s true and right. God being like light means that He shows us the way and helps us avoid wrong turns.
“Jesus is Light” (John 8:12)
Jesus, the Son of God, shows us God’s light and helps us understand what’s really true about God. We read that Jesus is the light, meaning He is the ultimate truth and His teachings can guide our actions and decisions.
Shortly afterwards, the lights were turned off and the children were given torches, which, when shone onto mirrors, reflected their light around the walls. Rev. Naomi and Gill explained how we are all called to be mirror-like and reflect the light and love of Jesus into the world around us.
Through prayer, the youngsters were encouraged to think about how they can reflect Jesus’ light – perhaps by being kind, helping others or sharing God’s love.

A range of exciting crafts enabled the children to delve further into the theme of light and how the light points towards Jesus. There were star-shaped biscuits to decorate, clay candle-holders to make, glass tea-light jars to paint, lighthouses to build from junk – all of which were different light sources, all pointing the way to Jesus.

As always, some action songs were much enjoyed – ‘My Lighthouse’ and ‘Shine Jesus Shine’ – consolidating the theme further.
All in all, the Raise and Praise service was on sparkling form!