At the end of Sunday’s Holy Communion service at St. James’, when Director of Music, Paul Buckmaster declared that he hadn’t “done this thing for about ten years”, there were some wry smiles and raised eyebrows in the congregation, wondering what on earth was going to follow!
Consternation quickly turned to congratulations, as Paul proudly presented his youngest chorister with a medal!
Ever since the choir was re-founded circa 1985, the Royal School of Church Music training scheme has been used for junior choristers. It has since been re-named, ‘Voice for Life’.
When the choir member attains a certain standard he/she is awarded a medal to wear with their robe with a light blue, dark blue, or red ribbon, denoting the level achieved.
TJ has been methodically progressing through his workbook and was delighted to receive the light blue ribbon standard from Paul. The congregation were thrilled for him, evidenced by the rapturous applause!
The training comes under five headings:
- Using the voice well
- Music skills and understanding
- Personal progress (attendance, punctuality, behaviour, co-operation, teamwork)
- General training (choir routine, alertness, care of robes etc.)
- Broader understanding of the choir and its role in the context of church worship and Christian understanding
Well done TJ, and…we…say…‘thank you for the music…the songs [you’re] singing, thank you for the joy they’re bringing…’!
Good luck with working towards the dark blue ribbon standard. And Paul hopes it won’t be another ten years before he awards another light blue ribbon to a successful junior chorister – there’s plenty of room for new recruits: see Paul for details!