A decorated church, with noteworthy noticeboards, beribboned pew ends, hand-drawn trees, displays of documents and photographs from the past, and fantastic florals!

All the signs were in place…the Ancient Roots Festival week was about to begin at St. James’ church!

Rev. Naomi led the first celebration of the week – the Holy Communion service. She built on the previous week’s homily by Fr. Peter, which focussed on how God calls each and every one of us to do something extraordinary. Developing this challenge further, she asked the question: what is God calling us to do with our limitations, vulnerabilities, weaknesses and circumstances? The conclusion was…we are enough.

The following prayer was shared:

May we see God’s power made perfect in our weakness.

The children made some wonderful masks during their time in the Sunday Club and proudly shared them with the congregation at the end of the service.

The youngsters were also keen to share the news that the Over Wyre Churches float had won 2nd place at Hambleton Gala the previous day. A starry themed trailer with a slogan: ‘We will shine like stars in the sky’, reflected the dazzling enthusiasm of the little ones, as it wound its way round the village.

The service closed with an invitation to all to partake in the next event of the day – Open Gardens. The festivities were well and truly underway!