It may have looked like an ambitious task, to combine an all-age service with Advent and also Holy Communion, but Rev. Naomi was certainly up for the challenge.
Armed with gift bags, a curious collection of seemingly ‘useless’ presents, a shaggy-haired puppet, some tempting sweets, a speaker and an abundance of creative ideas, she soon got to work.
With help from a little one, the third Advent candle was lit on Gaudete Sunday, symbolizing JOY.

Pam, assisted by Nancy (the puppet), read three very familiar fairytales, but unexpectedly, the endings had been changed! The congregation were not expecting that!

A short film entitled, ‘An Unexpected Christmas’ told the story of God’s plan to send his only Son to earth as a helpless baby, born in poverty to a lowly young girl. The characters expressed their surprise at God’s thinking. They were not expecting that!
When a series of gift bags were pulled out from a box and distributed to the children, their initial anticipation at what exciting gifts might be inside, soon disappeared as they plucked out strange, broken or incomplete objects such a pencil with no lead, two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, a pandemic-style face mask and an empty cup. The little ones were not expecting that!

This same collection of odd items was later used as a springboard for the prayers of intercession. For example, the pencil represented the world of Education with its many challenges and Rev. Naomi prayed for those who teach and those who learn in our schools. The face mask symbolised the National Health Service and prayers were offered for health care professionals and patients alike. The intercessions followed Holy Communion. Those gathered in church, were not expecting that!
All in all, it was a morning of surprises. What resonated loudly was the message – when God is at work, expect the unexpected!
Rejoice. The Lord is near.