Passport to Confirmation
Our Confirmation Classes have begun, but it is not too late to join. The course is called ‘Passport to Confirmation’ and it is a journey through the key elements of the faith. Learning is through discussion, art, and fun activities. Fr. Peter & Adele share the classes which are geared to be educational as well as fun and entertaining.
The class is aimed at any child who has reached their eleventh year and is most typically celebrated with children as they move from junior school to high school. It is particularly appropriate for a child going on to St. Aidan’s, or to Ripley St. Thomas to be confirmed.
Speak to Fr. Peter if you would like your child to join the classes. The Classes meet on a Tuesday at 6:00pm, for approximately forty-five minutes, at St. Oswald’s Parish Hall. Adult Confirmation preparation is also available.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated by our new Diocesan Bishop, Bishop Philip North, on Sunday 9th July at 10.30 am at Preesall, St Oswald.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
Confirmation is one of the Sacraments of the Church. The word Confirmation means strengthening or deepening of one’s relationship with God.
Confirmation enables a Baptised person to ‘confirm’ the promises made on their behalf at Baptism. It is also a sign of full membership to the Christian community.
The Rite of Confirmation
In Confirmation, the Baptised person receives the fullness of the gift of the Holy Spirit. A Bishop celebrates this Sacrament and it is conferred through the laying of hands and each candidate is also anointed with oil. The Bishop makes the sign of the cross on their foreheads with Holy Chrism Oil. This is a sign of strength and a reminder of their commitment to follow Christ.
The Bishop prays that each person will receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: reverence, understanding, courage, knowledge, wisdom, awe and wonder and right judgment.
The outward and visible sign is the laying on of hands. The inward and spiritual grace is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Preparing for Confirmation
Confirmation candidates attend a series of special classes to learn about the Sacrament, their faith, and Christian responsibilities. Confirmation preparation helps candidates to have a proper understanding of how to live as a follower of Christ. At one time, candidates were required to learn a series of questions and answers by heart known as the Catechism. Today’s classes are more informal and relevant to daily life.
Confirmation is open to children and adults who have not been Confirmed.
Confirmation is open to any child who has reached their eleventh year and is most typically celebrated with children as they move from junior school to high school. It is particularly appropriate for a child going on to St Aidan’s to be Confirmed.
Our Confirmation
We look forward to welcoming the newly appointed Bishop of Blackburn to our Benefice on Sunday 9th July for our Parish Confirmation. For those who are interested in being Confirmed there will be a meeting on Tuesday 9th May starting at 6:30pm, this initial meeting will be at S. John’s Church at Pilling. At this meeting we will think about dates when both the classes for young people and adult classes can take place.
I really encourage young people to come forward to be confirmed. I encourage parents and carers to urge their youngsters to seek Confirmation.
Fr Peter and Adele will lead the young people’s Confirmation classes. Fr. Peter will also lead separate adult instruction.
It is a moment of real joy as our candidates make a fresh commitment to continue to follow Christ in their journey of Faith.
Please pray for our prospective candidates and make a very special effort to be present at Church on Confirmation Day to welcome our Bishop and to welcome our candidates into a fuller membership of the Body of Christ.