Men’s Group
Men’s Group
Pies, pints (or other tipple of your choice - BYOB) and informal Bible discussion. Contact Paul Buckmaster for details, and Elaine Evans to order your pie.
Pies, pints (or other tipple of your choice - BYOB) and informal Bible discussion. Contact Paul Buckmaster for details, and Elaine Evans to order your pie.
Juniors 18.30 - 19.30. Adults 19.00 - 20.00. New members welcome - contact Paul (07908 128574) for details
A time of informal prayer and Bible reading followed by tea / coffee and fellowship. Everyone welcome! See Dyllis for more details.
To be held in the Meeting Room, directly after Coffee and Prayer. Please contact Louise or Gill to book your place. The cost is £10, to be paid in advance, please.