Music for Sunday 30th March 2025 at 10.30 a.m.
Mothering Sunday
OpeningN116(1st T) All things bright and beautiful
Gradual  tbc
Offertory  tbc
Communion 1N104(T 450) For the beauty of the earth
Communion 2N505Our Father, by whose Name
Communion 3   
ClosingN235O Jesus, I have promised (Camberwell)
Kyrie  said
Creed  said
Sanctus  RSCM, if needed
Agnus Dei  Ledger, if needed
Music for Sunday 6th April 2025 at 10.30 a.m.
Fifth Sunday of Lent: Passion Sunday
OpeningN72(vv 1-6, 11) Lift high the cross
GradualN70It is a thing most wonderful
OffertoryN63(Eb, omit *) My song is love unknown
Communion 1N137There is a green hill
Communion 2S12Father of heaven, whose love profound
Communion 3   
ClosingN251(omit *) There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
Kyrie  said
Creed  said
Sanctus  RSCM
Agnus Dei  Ledger
N = AMNS / S = on a separate sheet
Music for Sunday 20th April 2025 at 10.30 a.m.
Easter Day
OpeningN77Jesus Christ is risen today
GradualW7All heaven declares
OffertoryN80Alleluia, alleluia, hearts to heaven
Communion 1S Mary and the stone
Communion 2S This Joyful Eastertide
Communion 3N501Now the green blade riseth
ClosingN428Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son
Gloria  Missa Simplex
Creed  said
Sanctus  Missa Simplex
Agnus Dei  Missa Simplex
N = AMNS / S = on a separate sheet / W = Worship Today


Music for Sunday 4th May 2025 at 10.30 a.m.
Third Sunday of Easter
OpeningN345Christ is the King!  O friends rejoice
GradualN246(1st T) Just as I am, without one plea
OffertoryN121To the name of our salvation
Communion 1N81At the Lamb’s high feast we sing
Communion 2N82Jesus lives! Thy terrors now_
Communion 3   
ClosingN73Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
Gloria  Cwm Rhondda
Creed  said
Sanctus  RSCM
Agnus Dei  Ledger
Music for Sunday 18th May 2025 at 10.30 a.m.
Fifth Sunday of Easter
OpeningN185Light’s abode, celestial Salem
GradualW488You are the Vine, we are the branches
OffertoryN263Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour
Communion 1N135Rock of ages, cleft for me
Communion 2N473I come with joy to meet my Lord
Communion 3   
ClosingN148(omit *) At the name of Jesus
Gloria  Missa Simplex
Creed  said
Sanctus  Missa Simplex
Agnus Dei  Missa Simplex
N = AMNS /  W = Worship Today