Online Donations
Nowadays, many of us rarely carry much cash. We tend to tap our cards on a daily basis to pay for our shopping, our fuel and our bills.
That’s why we have set up a brand new way for you to donate to God’s work via St. James’ Church.
Donating money online is fast, easy and safe. Just click this link or scan the QR code below. It is super simple and fuss-free. What’s not to love?
Why should we donate?
We hear you ask, ‘what is the money used for?’ Take a look at these images, which help to answer your question…

- You can opt to make a one-off donation, anytime you like.
- You can opt to make a monthly donation of £2, £5, £10 or any other amount you wish.
“God loves a cheerful giver!”
(2 Corinthians 9:6-8)

Thank you so much for your generous donation towards God’s work through Stalmine, St. James’ Church.