Families across the Over Wyre Benefice and the local community have been treated to a unique Platinum Praise Party as part of the Queen’s Jubilee and the Church’s Pentecost celebrations.
The event, hosted by St. James’, provided an opportunity for families to come together, engage in a variety of hands-on activities, listen to a story, and enjoy some craft, singing and dancing. There was certainly something for everyone.

Pentecost is recorded in Acts 2: 1 – 13. The account begins with the Holy Spirit descending on a group of Jesus’ followers, who, upon receiving it, begin to talk in different languages. The Bible tells us, “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.”
The youngsters demonstrated their creative skills in making crowns fit for a Queen, in recognition of HM Queen Elizabeth II’s seventy year reign. Over the years, she has consistently put loyalty to God before the trappings of Royalty, living a life of faith as a Christian disciple.

Little ones and not so little ones, produced some magical-looking ‘party-shakers’ decorated with doves (representing the Holy Spirit), flame-coloured streamers (reminiscent of the colour and movement of the fire seen by the disciples) and bells (recreating the sound of a whistling wind).

The feast of Pentecost was further celebrated with families painting some fabulous flames using forks! The power of fire reflects the power of the Holy Spirit and these paintings helped to reproduce the spectacular sight the disciples witnessed, seeing ‘tongues of fire’ on each other’s heads.

Naomi helped the children to visualise the transforming power of God’s Holy Spirit, as they dripped coloured liquids onto a tray of white powder, which immediately began to fizz.

No party is complete without some singing and dancing and the Praise Party was no exception! Joyful voices and excited youngsters combined to celebrate Pentecost, the birthday of the Christian church.

Come to us Holy Spirit as you came to the apostles.
Open our minds that we may see the hidden things of God.
Send love into our hearts like a flame of fire,
that our lives may be changed by the power of your Spirit
to do God’s work on earth and bring people with us to Heaven.