St. James’ is a church that has prayer at its heart.  God is very much consulted BEFORE we do anything!  The church members care about the community and about the things happening in people’s lives.  Prayer is possibly THE most important activity of our lives.  It is one of the main ways that we develop a relationship with our Father in heaven.  In effect, it is talking and listening to God and getting to know him, and allowing him to share in every part of our lives.

At St. James’, we meet together to pray for the work and witness of the church here in Stalmine.  We have a monthly cycle of prayer (see below) which includes every Street, Lane, Road and Close within the Parish.  Of course, we have prayers during each service, which usually include prayers for the sick and needy, and those who have asked for prayer for whatever reason.   We have an emergency prayer chain, which provides immediate prayer through about fifteen people.  We offer individual prayer after each service.

Why do we do all this?   GOD CARES.  WE CARE.  Prayer makes a difference.  We see time after time the results of answered prayer and our wonderful God never ceases to amaze us.  We are not a church which exists just for Sunday.  We are a church that loves God and loves his people.  That includes everyone, church people or not.  You may feel that this talk of prayer is not for you, thank you very much.  You may feel that yes, there is something in it, but not for me just now.  You may be thinking, yes, I like the sound of this but don’t know what to do about it.  Of course we can pray in many different ways and places.  But it can be hard sometimes to start.  If you have something which you would like to say to God you may not know what to say or how to begin.  Sometimes it is easier if two people pray together.  Jesus tells us that if two or three come together in my name, there I am with them (Matthew 18.20).   Our prayer team members know God and have a living faith.  We all have prayer experience, and understand the need for confidentiality.  We consider it to be a great privilege to pray for, or with, somebody.  Would you like prayer?  Do you know someone who needs prayer?  Would you like to have a chat about prayer?

Please contact the Parish Priest, Pioneer Minister, or our Pastoral Team.


Prayer for Vision:

Heavenly Father, we embrace Your call for us to make disciples, to be witnesses, to grow leaders and inspire children and young people. 
Give us eyes to see Your vision, ears to hear the prompting of Your Spirit and courage to follow in the footsteps of your Son,
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  Amen.

A Prayer for the Healing of the Nations:

Lord, we pray for the healing of the nations.  We pray for a life of love in action.
Father, we pray that we will be redeemed from war and hatred.  We ask that you will show us how, through love and care, fear will die and hope increase.
Lord, we pray that love will overcome all the dogmas causing war and persecution in every corner of our world.
May we bring the life of Christ to mind and so, by our responce and service, help love bring peace and calm to every land.
Lord, set us free from our resentments and then, reconciled, our prayers will spread your peace.  Amen

A prayer for Brotherhood and Tolerance

God, that Father of ALL mankind, we beseech you to inspire the people of these lands with the spirit of justice, truth and love, that in all our dealings with one another, we may display our common humanity in you.
Watch over the men and women originating in other countries who live and work among us.  Guide them in strange surroundings.  Protect them in temptation.  Preserve in them, all that is good in their own traditions, and help them to understand and share what is good in the way of life of the country to which they have come. 
Give to us all humility, love and patience, and help us to build together a community in which every contribution is welcomed, and every one’s dignity is respected.  Amen.



Lord, teach us to pray, not for show but for connection.  Guide our hearts to seek you in quiet moments of genuine conversation.  Help us to find depth in our prayer life, beyond the noise of public recognition.  Father, we thank you that you eagerly wait for out prayers; Jesus, help us to pray boldly, Holy Spirit, guide us as we pray.  Amen.

A prayer for Christian growth.

God of mission, who alone brings growth to your church.  Send your Holy Spirit to give
Vision to our planning,
Wisdom to our actions,
Joy to our worship
And power to our witness.
Help your church to grow in number, in spiritual commitment to you,
And in service to your communities,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


St James’ Parish Prayer

Come to us, Holy Spirit, as you came to the apostles.
Open our minds that we may see the hidden things of God.
Send love into our hearts like a flame of fire, that our lives may be changed by the power of your Spirit
to do God’s work on earth, and bring people, with us, to heaven.

St James’ Diary for Daily Prayer


THANKS : The created world and its peoples.

PRAY: The United Nations, the European Parliament.

COMMUNITY: Hall Gate Lane


THANKS : The worldwide Christian Church, Blackburn Diocese and its bishops.

PRAY: The King, his Prime Minister and Government.

COMMUNITY: Moss Side Lane, Lancaster Road


THANKS : Our own faith and those who taught it to us.

PRAY: All the churches in our Over Wyre benefice.

COMMUNITY: Cartgate, Cemetery Lane


THANKS : Jesus’ birth, His humility and self-giving.

PRAY: Other denominations working in our community.

COMMUNITY: Back Lane (Preesall,) Monks Lane, Acres Lane


THANKS : Jesus’ ministry, his gentleness and compassion.

PRAY: Our Deanery, the Area Dean, Chapter and Synod.



THANKS : Jesus’ death, His suffering and redeeming love.

PRAY: Those of other faiths, and those of none.

COMMUNITY: Birch Grove, Malvern Ave


THANKS : Jesus’ suffering and his redeeming love.

PRAY: Our Interim Priest Peter, and Adele his wife.  All preachers, worship leaders and visiting clergy.

COMMUNITY: Occupation Lane


THANKS : The Kingship of Jesus, that he may be King of our lives.

PRAY: Our Pioneer Minister, Naomi and her husband, Ben.  Our SSM Dyllis and her husband John, and Nicola our Licensed Lay Minister.  The Baptism Preparation team.

COMMUNITY: Woodside Park Homes, Bradshaws Close


THANKS : The gifts of the Holy Spirit and for its fruit in our lives.

PRAY: Churchwardens, PCC, Vision Champions, Social & Communications Sub Committee.  Our Pastoral Visitors.

COMMUNITY: Moss Edge Lane, Carr Close, Pennine Way


THANKS : Our sins are forgiven, so we may forgive others.

PRAY: For the Sidespersons.

COMMUNITY: Wood View Lane, Sower Carr Lane


THANKS : The beauty of creation.

PRAY: All who maintain and beautify our church.  The Finance and Facilities Sub Committee

COMMUNITY: Carr Lane, Brick House Lane


THANKS : Opportunities to worship and serve. That we may use our God given-gifts.

PRAY: Our Organist, Choir and Music Group.  The Worship & Liturgy Sub Committee.

COMMUNITY: Back Lane, Swilkin Lane, Ned’s Lane


THANKS : Our families and friends.

PRAY: Study Courses, our Little Fishes children’s group.

COMMUNITY:  The Heads Holiday Home Park


THANKS : Those who support us in prayer.

PRAY: The Bible Study Groups and our Prayer Chain.

COMMUNITY: The Sisters at Hyning


THANKS : Our health and strength.

PRAY: Those with disabilities, for the sick and all who work to relieve suffering.

COMMUNITY: Brown Lane, Burrows Lane


THANKS : The beauty of our surroundings and the food and employment the land provides.

PRAY: The farming community and our pets at home.

COMMUNITY: Smithy Lane, Foxfields, Birch Close


THANKS : Our homes and security.

PRAY: Those who live in retirement or nursing homes, the housebound and those who care for them.

COMMUNITY: Carr End Lane


THANKS : Our local community.

PRAY:  Local businesses, The Seven Stars,  P.H. Stables, hairdressers, the Post Office, & Morrison’s.

COMMUNITY: Fairway, Fellway


THANKS : Our freedom and relative wealth.

PRAY: Prisoners, especially prisoners of conscience. Prison Chaplains. The poor and refugees. Blackpool Street Angels / Streetlife.

COMMUNITY: Stalmine Country Park


THANKS : The congregation of St. James Church

PRAY: Those recently baptised or confirmed. Those preparing for confirmation.

COMMUNITY: Stalmine Hall Park


THANKS : The lives and examples of the saints, especially St. James.

PRAY: Loved ones who have died and the bereaved.  For funeral directors, crematorium and cemetery staff.

COMMUNITY: Head Dyke Lane, Burned House Lane


THANKS : Our schools and the church’s work in education.

PRAY: Children and teachers, especially at Stalmine C.P School, St. Aidan’s School & Moss Side Nursery. 

COMMUNITY: Moss House Lane


THANKS : Overseas Missionary Societies.

PRAY: The Mission and  Outreach Sub Committee, Church Army and all involved in evangelism.  Lex and Alan Hamilton.  Pray that we may witness to Christ in our community.

COMMUNITY: Union Lane., Hanley Close


THANKS : Recreation and friendship.

PRAY: Wyre Villa F.C., the Bowling Clubs, the Village Hall Committee, the Parish Council and the Stalmine Residents Association; that these facilities and groups may be used to make strong links within our community.

COMMUNITY: Harwood Close


THANKS : God’s provision of all our needs.

PRAY: Our treasurers, for good stewardship and sacrificial giving.

COMMUNITY: Strickland Lane


THANKS : Help and support available locally.

PRAY: The Women’s Institute. The unemployed and retired.

COMMUNITY: Grange Lane, Corcas Lane


THANKS : The privilege of serving Jesus.

PRAY: The ministry of every church member.  Pray that we may recognise each other’s gifts and talents.

COMMUNITY: Lynwood Drive, Sarah’s Fold


THANKS : Those who give their time in the service of others.

PRAY: Charities and their volunteers, our Charities Sub Committee.  Messy Church; Little Fishes; and Stay and Play.

COMMUNITY: Hillside Drive


THANKS : The privilege of reading the Bible in our own language.

PRAY: All who translate and explain the Bible.

COMMUNITY: Douglas Avenue, Ash Lea Grove


THANKS : Answered prayer.

PRAY: The deepening of our spiritual life.

COMMUNITY: Those who have recently come to live in our community.


THANKS : For Jesus.

PRAY: Renewal in the church, the fulfilment of God’s work through St. James’ and Vision 2026.

COMMUNITY: All who live and work outside our parish.

Heal all