Church Cleaning Rota


w/c 17/03 Dot and Sue P

w/c 24/03 The Choir

w/c 31/03 Janice and Sue C

If you could spare an hour or so, once every five weeks to help keep St. James’ church building spick and span, please have a word with
Sandra Bourne
.  All offers of help gratefully received!

Refreshments Rota


23rd    Duggie Dug Dug mission at St Oswald’s, Preesall

30th    Carol and Susan

Sidespersons Rota


23rd       Duggie Dug Dug mission at St Oswald, Preesall

30th       Holy Communion – GRAHAM and JANICE

Locking and Unlocking Rota

MONDAYSandra BourneJohn Evans
TUESDAYGill KeighleyJohn Evans
WEDNESDAYSue PelhamPaul Buckmaster
THURSDAYDot QuinneyTom Handforth
FRIDAYSandra BourneGill Keighley
SATURDAYDot QuinneyJonathan Bellingham
SUNDAYJohn EvansSandra Bourne

If you attend church at the appropriate time and lock or unlock, please contact the nominated person to save them a journey.

Contact Details

NameTelephone NoMobile
Sandra01253 70051907984 368306
Sue01253 70075007833 922455
John01253 70243207977 204489
Paul01253 81111307908 128574
Tom01253 81015007811 970125
Dot01253 70056707887 660120
Gill 07952 354684
Derek01253 70155807592 638714
Jonathan 07811 806666