Sunday 19th February 2023
Congratulations to all nine recipients of their certificates, awarded on successful completion of safeguarding training!
These achievements were celebrated after the Holy Communion service at St. James’. Presentations were made to mark the efforts of volunteers who have been working behind the scenes to ensure the safety and protection of all who step through the church doors, especially potentially vulnerable people of all ages.
Peter Swarbrick (Safeguarding Officer) and Rev’d Dyllis congratulated the recipients before handing over their well-earned certificates.
On the very same day, the children in the Sunday Club had some presentations to make of their own. Following the scripture readings on the Transfiguration, and the homily about God being present in our mountain-top experiences as well as in the valleys, they shared their wonderful creations showcasing this knowledge. Posters and art work centered around the words from St. Luke’s Gospel: “This is my Son, my Chosen One; listen to him!”
Presentations, and happy faces all round!