Rev. John Squires led the Holy Communion service at St. James’ on Safeguarding Sunday, where he gave thanks for all the safeguarding work which goes on across the Benefice.

He said, “It is at grass roots level, where safeguarding is at its most successful”, and emphasized how, “we must look after those we are called to shepherd.”

For this to happen, we must have our eyes open! Rev. John spoke about how spiritual sight is just as important as physical sight.

Using the words of Micah in his sermon, Rev. John reiterated the need to act justly, show kindness and walk humbly at all times, particularly amongst the vulnerable and those who are struggling.

The service was followed by the presentation of safeguarding certificates by St. James’ Safeguarding Officer, Peter to nine members of the congregation who have completed various courses.

There is currently a display in church of leaflets detailing different types of abuse. This is an illustration of the work begun between the late Fr. Andy and Peter and which has now been completed. Sets of this information are being rolled out to all Anglican parishes across the country. Starting at a very local level, this has become a national initiative.

Grateful thanks to those who worked on the Safeguarding documentation and congratulations to all those who received their certificates today, demonstrating their commitment to looking after those we are called to shepherd.

During the service, the Children’s Sunday Club, led by Gill, took inspiration from Mark 13: 1 – 8, where Jesus explains that there will be difficult times, but there is better to come.

They sang songs, crafted a temple, made some kings and prayed:

Thank you God, that in a world of trouble and change

you stay the same.

Help us to trust in your love for us,

even when things are difficult.

Help us to shine like stars for you.
