A tropical island scene, showcasing a cloudless blue sky, sparkling ocean waves, framed by coconut trees, lush foliage and vibrant flora, made an impactful focal point at the front of the worship space. The occasion? The annual World Day of Prayer service, hosted this year by St. James’ church Stalmine.

Seashells and coconuts, garlands and orchids, driftwood and palm leaves adorned the ‘island’, reflecting the stunning landscape of the Cook Islands – at the heart of this year’s wonderful wave of prayer which encircles the globe.
Cook Islanders have celebrated 200 years of Christianity in the group of fifteen islands which is spread over nearly 800,000 square miles in the Pacific Ocean, and this year, the service has been inspired and led by Christian women from the Cook Islands, who have shared their stories of their struggle during Covid-19, of their culture being devalued and of the improvements in obstetric health care.

Based on the words of Psalm 139, and woven within the stories of three Christian women, this worship service invited us to recognise that God created each one of us with great attention and loving care. God created us. God knows us and God is with us became the thematic message throughout the whole event. Indeed, an open bible revealing Psalm 139, was pertinently placed front and centre of the paradise which had been created.

The congregation – made up of parishioners from five Over Wyre parishes of differing denominations – shared a Māori greeting: ‘Kia orana’, which means more than just ‘hello’. It means: ‘May you live long, and may you live well. May you shine like the sun. May you dance with the waves.’ That simple phrase was being repeated in St. James’ church and indeed across the whole world!
As the service ebbed and flowed, so too did the central message, ‘I made you wonderful’. It was embedded in scripture readings, hymns (One of which – ‘Wonderfully Made’ – was specially written for the service) and stories. It became a refrain throughout the proceedings.

Here are some words from the artists who designed the front cover of the booklet, also entitled, ‘Wonderfully Made’:
“Wonderfully Made” (Tarani Napa and Tevairangi Napa)
Artist statement: Tarani Napa and Tevairangi Napa, a mother and daughter duo, created this year’s artwork. They share the vision they had for their composition based on Psalm 139:14: ‘I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made’.
“Our Heavenly Father blessed our islands of the sea. From the northern islands across the ocean to the southern islands, the golden sun shines through the clear blue skies and birds freely fly. From the bright, white sandy shores all the way to the highest mountain top our islands are abundant with fresh produce and colourful flora and fauna. The lagoons and oceans are bountiful with sea life, fish and gems (like black pearls), which link us to the world.
On each island the mighty coconut tree stands tall, a symbol of strength and goodness. The coconut tree provides for our health and wellbeing. We have discovered how to use every part, from the fronds to the very deep roots for food, drink, medicine, shelter and much more. The coconut tree is essential to our survival and is the tree of life for our people.
We are grateful for the arrival of Christianity to our shores 200 years ago. The gospel of Jesus Christ brought hope, peace and light. In time, our cultures have interwoven with Christianity, and the blessings are evident today. As guardians and caretakers of God’s marvellous works, we always treasure these words, ‘I made you wonderful’.
Our women play a vital role in keeping our heritage and traditions alive. They are the keepers of talents, teachers and mentors. From mothers to daughters, the cycle of life, faith and love continues here on our islands of paradise. We show our respect and love for God and for one another in harmonies of song and prayer. Our precious Tivaevae quilts represent patience, love and unity. We honour God’s love and mercy with hats we wear to church, woven by skillful loving hands from the strands of rito, the young coconut leaf. We adorn ourselves with sweet scented Tiare tropical flowers, made into crowns and garlands. From the heart, we teach and nurture our beloved children, the younger generation, our future.
At the closing of a gathering, our Tongareva elders always say these powerful words of encouragement: ‘Kia mau te serenga! Kia mau te napena! Kia mau!’ This means ‘hold on tight to who you are, in all aspects of your existence!’ We are wonderfully made by God, and we should cherish all the aspects of who we are!”
About the artists: Tarani Napa is a mother of six children and has three grandchildren. She is a certified primary school teacher, entrepreneur and creative artist. Tevairangi Napa, also a creative artist, is the eldest daughter of Tarani, and is a proud mum of two children. They feel honoured to have been able to share this piece of artwork in recognition of their love for their home, their faith and their heritage.
Representatives from the five churches delivered readings and prayers, wearing flower crowns and garlands, further adding to the tropical ambience. It was a team effort, as indeed was the seamless musical transition from piano to organ provided by Director of Music – Paul, accompanied by Gill and Jackie who in turn led the singing. Even the baskets used to receive the offering were bedecked with colourful flowers, further enhancing the individual floral corsages tucked into lapels or woven through hair of those participating in the service.

Little Fishes toddler group had created their own mini island scene, complete with canoes, coconut trees and ocean waves! Some of the artists loved visiting the final display to survey their own crafting skills in situ!

The service closed with a ‘Commitment to Prayerful Action’ before the ‘Blessing’, after which, all were invited to participate in the sharing of home-baked biscuits and hot drinks.

It had been an evening of vibrant colour, rich in traditional Cook Islands’ symbolism and steeped in the over-arching message – ‘I made you wonderful’.